
We present you the best articles on saving. You will notice it in your accounts and in your pocket month by month.

  • Woman holding a mobile phone

    Emergency fund

    How many times have seen be at risk the family economics for an unforeseen event? Need a cash reserve with which tell when dealing with any unexpected situation.

  • Parents catching to a girl of the hands

    Household budget

    Thanks to the household budget will have a valuable information on your actual habits of consumer spending, analyse them and take responsible decisions.

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  • The household budget

    If you would like to find out more about this topic:
    - Videos on financial education: latest news and projects related to promoting financial education.
    - Finances for everyone: CNMV and the Banco de España websites.
    -Spanish Network of Financial Education

  • Savings and objectives: emergency fund

    If you want to know more about this subject, we offer you the following links: Videos on financial education: discover the main innovations and projects relating to the promotion of financial education for children, young people, adults, the self-employed, etc. Finances for everyone: CNMV website and the Banco de España. Spanish Financial Education Network: a platform that compiles financial education projects carried out in Spain.