• What is a digital signature and how can obtain her?

    A digital signature is a numerical password of between five and eight characters that you will obtain when you sign up for the service. This key is necessary to carry out certain operations in the digital service channels, such as anyone who require mobilisations of funds (transfers, internal transfers, tax payment,…), contracting of products, modification of conditions, etc.

    If at the time of carrying out an operation of this kind you do not have your digital signature or it is blocked, you will be able to create a new one from Bankia Online or from the App Mobile phone. You can also unblock your digital signature password at any ATM of Bankia by inserting one of your operational cards.

    And if you prefer, you can also visit a Bankia branch where they will be able to give it to you.

  • How can pay a tax?

    Bankia has agreements established with large number of utility and financial companies, Town Councils, etc. therefore allowing you to comfortably pay your bills and taxes through our digital channels.

    You can pay both bills and taxes from our Bankia's Mobile Phone App and our Bankia Online, in which also will be able to consult our Search engine of Issuers.

  • How can operate online?

    If you are already a Bankia customer, you can register via the “Sign in” button that you will find in the top right-hand of the web portal, clicking on the link “Request passwords”.

    If you are not yet a Bankia customer, you can register on our website by clicking on the button “Register as a customer” button located in the website header. Or if you prefer, you can visit any of our branches.

  • What is the renting?

    Is a long-term rent in which all are included the necessary services so that the vehicle is always in mint condition.

  • 2. How me register in the service?

    • Download and/or update the Bankia Wallet app on your phone from GooglePlay.
    • Enter with your Bankia Online codes.
    • On the side menu of side, register in the Mobile Payment section.
    • Select the card with which you wish to pay.
    • Ready!

    Mobile payment screenshot Mobile payment screenshot

  • What you can include within the contract of renting?

    The services included depend on the type of product, being pre-set and without possibility of changes for the Campaigns and being contractible according to the customer needs in the case of Customised Renting.

  • 19. Works the payment for mobile phone in all the businesses?

    Mobile Phone Payment currently works in all shops with contactless technology.

  • What services include the campaigns?

    The rent of the vehicle.

    Preventive maintenance and corrective.

    Comprehensive insurance without fixed at a premium franchise.

    Unlimited substitution of tyres including punctures and bursts.

    Vehicle of substitution until 15 days for every immobilisation in the repairs of Sheet and paintings.

    Breakdown service from the km 0, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

    Available customer services 24 a day 365 days a year hours.

    Management of fines in official channel.

    The expenses of registration and delivery.

    The taxes inherent to the registration and tenancy of the vehicle.

    This product includes the services standard of the market, more the more complete coverages that they do of Bankia Renting a top-quality differential product.

  • Which are expenses of constitution of a mortgage?

    The costs of taking out a mortgage are:

    • Valuation costs for the property to be mortgaged.
    • Notarial expenses for the deed signing.
    • Entry in the property registry.
    • Stamp Duty.
    • Cost of the "gestoría" that will undertake and follow up all the administrative procedures described.
  • How can do a simulation of a mortgage?

    On our website you can access a mortgage simulator that will allow you to find out which mortgage best suits your needs and the costs associated with the purchase of your home.

  • How can consult the IBAN CODE of an account?

    To find out your IBAN, log in to Bankia Online and take a look at your account (it's shown at the top).

  • What fees do the cards have?

    Thanks to the JUST FOR BEING YOU programme, customers who have their income paid directly into their bank account do not pay fees on their usual debit cards and can also have up to four cash withdrawals a month at non-Bankia ATMs free of charge (Banco Sabadell and euro 6000).

    See terms and conditions of the programme (PDF, 145 kB).

    You can find out the card fees in the book of Tariffs and fees or in your branch.

  • What is an interest rate derived from?

    It is a contract through which two parties agree, for a period of time, an exchange of obligations and/or payment rights, calculated on the same face value.

  • How can I modify my card's limits?

    If you need to modify your credit card limit, you can do it though Bankia Online or addressing to any branch of Bankia.

  • How calculate the return of an investment fund?

    The return of an investment fund in a certain period is calculated as the percentage of variation of the net asset value at the end date of the period and the net asset value at the start of the said period.

    If what you want to know is the return on your holdings in the fund, that is, the percentage of profit or loss you have obtained with your invested money, you have to calculate the percentage of variation of the net asset value between the subscription date (purchase of the holdings) and the reimbursement date (sale).

  • What is a consumer loan?

    It is a loan in which the contracted amount must be spent on the acquisition of consumer goods, products or services such as household appliances, vehicles, furniture, travel, etc.

  • 18. There is some limit of operations?

    Each card associated with Mobile Phone Payment will have a limit of 30 transactions to be made using this service. When you access Bankia Wallet, this number of operations will be renewed automatically without the need for the customer to take any special action.

    When the number of operations is reaching its limit, you will be prompted to renew them by a message in Notifications.

    Bankia Wallet screenshot

  • What types of insurance can contract?

    Bankia places at your disposal a wide range of policies to cover all your insurance needs.

  • What is the net asset value?

    The net asset value is the price of each share at one moment. It is calculated by dividing the equity of the fund between the number of shares in circulation at that particular moment.

    In general, the managing company calculates the net asset value daily and has the obligation of announcing it via its website and the stock exchange bulletins.

    There are certain funds that, due to their nature or the characteristics of the assets they invest in, can calculate the net asset value more frequently.

  • What is a loan?

    It is a contract through which the lender advances a cash amount (the principal) to the borrower, who is obliged to repay the principal and an agreed amount of interest.

  • What is Bankia Wallet?

    Bankia Wallet is the Bankia app that allows you to manage and operate with your Bankia cards.

    Among the available operations, you will be able to change the PIN of your Sticker cards, check your transactions and other basic card data, the expiry date and the CVV you need to make online purchases. Additionally you will be able to transfer money from a credit card to an account (Dinero Ya) and pay money into your cards.

    The Bankia Wallet App can be downloaded free of charge from Apple Store and Google Play Store or, if you prefer, capture and download it from our QR code.

  • Can I direct debit bills with the account?

    You can pay them and pay by direct debit through our ATM network and our digital service channels in the easiest way:

    • Select the option "Bill payment".
    • Follow the indications: issuer details, amount, etc.
    • Check the details and accept the operation.
    • You can setup your bills to be paid by direct debt at the time of payment by marking the option YES in the "Direct Debit Billing" section.

    We take care of everything necessary to transfer your direct debits in the most convenient and secure way for you.

  • What is Money already? What are the main features?

    with the Dinero YA service you can transfer balance from your card to your account Bankia account, up to the credit limit available at that moment. All you have to do is transfer the balance from your card to the account associated with it.

  • What is a guarantee?

    A commitment signed by an individual or company, normally in a credit document, by which they agree to meet the repayment commitments of another person if that person fails to meet them.

  • I have have contracted some additional product for the buy/sell of forward exchange?

    For the contracting of the buy/sell of forward exchange have have set up a Line Comex or a Line of Derivatives. Likewise, to contract any exchange rate derivative you will need to have set up a Derivatives Facility and signed a CMOF contract.

  • What is a counted one?

    A cash transaction is carried out to apply to operations that are settled with a value date of two market business days; exceptionally, and only in certain currencies, it is possible to contract operations with a 0 and one market business day value.

  • 16. An error appears on the POS when I try to pay

    We suggest you try again. If the error persists, we recommend you pay with a physical card. Under certain specific circumstances, a POS may not work correctly with Mobile Phone Payment.
    In the case of any doubt, or if the error persists, you should contact your branch to confirm that the card is operational.

  • How can contract deposits for Internet?

    Contract a deposit on the internet is very easy, Bankia accesses Online, enters the menu Deposits and clicks in Contracting.

  • What are the ones derived from exchange rate? Bankia markets these products?

    Exchange rate derivatives are alternative products to Forex insurance that allow our clients to obtain the best conditions to cover their exchange rate risk. Combining options and activating/deactivating barriers we can build made to measure covers for our customers' needs.

  • What other financing possibilities have available?

    For individuals we provide you with new financing services, which as highlights include the service FinanExpress, as well as the service Dinero Ya (Money Now).

  • What is iupay!?

    iupay! it is a free service that will make your online shopping faster, simpler and more secure.

    It works like a virtual wallet where you can keep all of your cards. You will just have introduce the details when registering the first time via Bankia Online or of the App Bankia's Mobile phone.

    The main advantages iupay! offers you: are:

    • Security for your online shopping; only Bankia will have access to that information.
    • Quick and easy shopping.

    If you wish give you of registration just have access Bankia Online or to the App Bankia's Mobile phone where will have all the information that need.

  • 15. They have stolen me the portfolio, can follow using the mobile phone to pay?

    If the physical card has been cancelled, payments are automatically invalidated, without the need to make any adjustment to the telephone. Although the card will continue to be set up on the phone, any attempted transactions will be rejected, as the card has been cancelled. To continue paying with your mobile phone, you will have to select another card.

  • 14. How deactivate the payment service for mobile phone?

    Large Bankia Wallet application screen

    You just have to disassociate the card associated with Mobile Phone Payment. When you deactivate it, all the information on the phone related to payments will be erased and you will not be able to operate with it until you select a card again.

  • 6. How know that I have the NFC (Near Field Conmunication) activated?

    NFC technology is a wireless communication technology (like Bluetooth or Wi-Fi) and you can activate it in your telephone settings.

  • 3. Is compatible my telephone?

    The mobile phone must have the Android operating system v. 4.4 or later and NFC technology. It is not available for the iPhone.

  • 5. It does not arrive me the SMS with the activation code, what do?

    You must have your mobile phone confirmed and updated with Bankia. If it is not, you can update it at an ATM or your Bankia branch.

  • How can I return a bill?

    You can return a bill by going toTransactions selecting Return Bill at:

    • The Bankia App.
    • Bankia Online.

    Remember that you can also see a PDF version of the original transaction receipt.

  • What is a stop-loss order (Stop Loss)?

    Stop-loss orders are levels or sales points that a customer can set on a position of which they are the titleholder. They are useful for limiting losses in a securities trading operation when the price quoted for a security is above that level.

    The objective of this kind of order is to prevent an operation generating a loss greater than that which the customer is willing to take on.

  • What are the structured products?

    Structured products as an investment alternative are characterised by having their return linked to the evolution of certain underlying factors. These can be market indexes, share baskets, interest rates, inflation, currencies, etc. There is a multitude of different structures that depend mainly on the conditions that need to be fulfilled to reach the different levels of return of the product.

  • How can access the purchase of structured products?

    To buy structured products it is necessary to consider not only the potential returns of each product, but also the risks associated with them.

    There are two major categories of products structured as investments: structured deposits and structured bonds. The former have the same guarantee as a traditional deposit in terms of the recovery of the principal invested; in the case of the latter, depending on the structure, part or all of the principal may be placed at risk.

    A very important additional difference is the guarantee of each product, which in the case of deposits is given by the institution in which the deposit is constituted; in the case of structured bonds it is given by the issuer and, where applicable, a guarantor, regardless of the body through which it was acquired.

  • What documentation need to study my loan?

    • Identity document.
    • Annual Personal Income Tax return.
    • Payslip/Pension or quarterly Personal Income Tax return (in the case of freelancers).
    • Payment commitments.
    • Documentary proof of the investment.
  • What is a trading of forward exchanges?

    A trading of forward exchanges is applied to operations whose maturity date is higher than two business days of market, being a very flexible product when allowing advances (use before the contracted maturity) and extensions (area of the contracted maturity).

  • What is a structured deposit?

    A structured deposit has its return linked to the evolution of certain underlying factors. These can be market indexes, share baskets, interest rates, inflation, currencies, etc.

    There is a multitude of different structures and they vary mainly according to the conditions that have to be met to reach different levels of return.

    Structured deposits have the same guarantee of the return of the principal as a traditional deposit.

  • How long is the grace period for life insurance?

    We do not apply an exclusion period to life insurance, the coverage is effective from the moment you contract the insurance.

  • I can consult the IBAN and my accounts' movements via Mobile Banking?

    From Bankia's Mobile App you can check the balance and movements of your accounts and move funds (transfers, bill payments, etc.) quickly, conveniently and securely.

    You will also have your accounts available in IBAN format with functions that will allow you to conveniently copy your account number in that format.

  • How can I find out the expiry date and CVV code?

    The CVV is the card verification code that normally needs to be given when making online purchases. For Visa and MasterCard the CVV is 3 digits and is found on the back of the card, next to the space reserved for the signature. In American Express cards, they are 4 digits and appear on the back of the card. The card's expiry date can be found between the card number and the name of the account holder.

    You can also find out these details easily from the Bankia App.

  • How can charge my pension plan?

    There are various ways to receive payment of the amounts saved in your pension plan. We recommend that before deciding on one of them, you take advice on which is the most beneficial for you in terms of taxation. The ways of receiving payment are:

    • Capital: received in a single payment.
    • Financial incomes: the amount is fixed that it wishes receive and the frequency until the end of the accumulated capital. In this way, you benefit from the interest that continues to be generated by the unconsumed capital in the pension fund. This formula can be adapted to your financial needs at any particular time, as it allows you to freely modify the amounts and the frequency of payment.
    • Insured incomes: the amounts that receives are fixed and they hire with a company insurer, which him guarantees the charge of the income in the term previously set. The conditions of this income cannot subsequently be modified.
    • Collections without regular frequency: the money is had in the shape of payments without an established frequency.
    • Mixed: the combined provision, a part is charged in the shape of capital and another in the shape of financial incomes. The combination of the way of receiving payment can be freely modified.
  • What is a mortgage?

    A mortgage is an operation through which a financial institution makes us a loan in accordance with the investment and our risk profile, usually to purchase a home.

  • I can buy or sell stock via my Mobile Broker?

    Yes, by using Bankia's Mobile Phone App You can access trading operations for Spanish securities. From your Share Account you will be able to sell the shares you have deposited with Bankia, as well as buy new stocks or shares.

    If you don't have Bankia's Mobile App yet, capture our QR and download it free of charge.

  • What tax advantages have the contributions carried out to pension plans?

    A pension plan can offer significant savings on tax payments. which will be greater the higher the income of the participant. This saving is made possible because the amount of the contributions can be deducted from the general base of your Personal Income Tax, as long as you earn income from work or economic activities.

    The annual contribution limit is 8,000 euros and the tax deduction limit is the lesser of the following amounts: the amount paid in or 30% of net earnings from work and economic activities during the financial year. Additionally, if your spouse does not receive earnings from work or economic activities or earns less than 8,000 euros a year, you will be able to deduct from your general personal income tax assessment basis the contributions to pension plans of which your spouse is the titleholder up to a maximum of 2,500 euros a year.

    Once you begin to receive payments from your pension plan, the amounts you receive (benefits) are considered as earned income for tax purposes and the shareholder/taxpayer must declare them on their income tax return.

    Given that the way of receiving payments is flexible it is important that you take advice on which is most beneficial to you for tax purposes. In the event of the death of the titleholder of a pension plan, the beneficiaries will pay tax on the amounts received as earned income on their personal income tax statement. They are not subject to Inheritance and Gift Tax.

    This information is in accordance with the current legislation and may be modified in the future.

  • 4. I can use the payment for mobile phone if I have the Bankia Sticker Wallet stuck in the telephone?

    No. If you want to use Mobile Phone Payment you must remove the sticker.

  • Insurance Policies: forecast

    If you want to know more about this subject, we offer you the following links:

    Insurances. Forecast (PDF, 1.19 MB)

  • What differences there is between a current account and an account of saving?

    The difference between a savings and a current account is that a current account has full transactionality and can have an associated payment card and chequebook. A savings account pays interest, but has operational limitations.

  • What is a policy of loan?

    A document which implements the granting of a loan by a financial institution.

  • Need credit carried out the test MiFID for the buy/sell of forward exchange or derivatives?

    So much the buy/sell of forward exchange as the ones derived from exchange rate are classified such as complex products according to the standard MiFID, which is why is essential credit carried out the tasks MiFID before its contracting.

  • How can contract a pension plan?

    On our website of the Pension Plans portal, within the Saving and Investment section, you will find all the information you need.

    Through our simulator, depending on your age, your saving capacity and your return expectations, you can find out which plans best suit your needs and proceed with the sign-up process via Bankia Online.

    If you prefer, you can also visit a Bankia branch.

  • How to can I direct deposit my salary?

    You can set up direct deposit for your paychecks by telling your employer the IBAN of your Bankia current account.

    If you want, fill in the attached form (PDF, 30 kB), print it and send it to your company.

  • What types of renting offers Bankia?

    Bankia does not market this product directly.

  • What operations can carry out via my Mobile Broker?

    With the Bankia's mobile phone app you will be able to check the position and movements of your securities accounts, buy and sell national securities and consult their quotations. You will also have market information with the evaluation of the main reference rates.

  • Which are the types of investment funds?

    • Fixed Income Funds: they invest in assets of fixed income (obligations and bonds, bills, promissory notes...).
    • Equity Funds: the majority of the assets of these funds is invested in stock. Sub-categories are established according to the market in which investment is made and the business sectors.
    • Mixed Funds: they invest both in fixed-interest financial securities and in income values variable. The larger the percentage of variable income, the greater expected return and risk.
    • Guaranteed Funds: funds that they guarantee the invested principal more a return, fixed or variable, to a future certain date.
    • Funds of Funds: they invest more than 50% of its assets in other investment funds.
    • Global Funds: funds that they do not fit in none of the previous categories, for not having the obligation of setting the percentage to invest in assets of fixed income and/or variable or its assets' credit rating.
  • What is a deposit?

    A bank deposit is a savings product in which the money is invested at a certain period, receiving a return.

    Bankia offers various contracting possibilities to find the perfect combination between return and period.

  • What is a mobilisation between funds and how pays taxes?

    It is an operation whereby an individual transfers, in whole or in part, the investment made in one investment fund to another fund.

    With this operation you make a total or partial withdrawal of the shares you have in an investment fund to place the amount withdrawn in shares of another fund. In this way, the reimbursed amount is transferred directly from the source fund to the target fund, together with the fiscal information.

    For you, as an investor, the movements do not affect your personal income tax as there is a deferral regime under which, when the amount obtained in the reimbursement or transmission of shares in an investment fund is allocated to the acquisition or subscription of other shares in investment funds, they will not be computed as a capital gain or loss, and the new shares subscribed to will maintain the value and the date of acquisition of the transferred or reimbursed shares.

    The deferral system will not apply the amount derived from the reimbursement or transmission of the holdings in the investment fund is placed at the taxpayer's disposal by any means or, as the case may be , the subscription or acquisition is addressed to holdings in quoted investment funds, nor when it is addressed to shares in listed variable-capital investment firms, or in the case of unit holders of banking assets funds. You must take into account that a movement of investment funds entails a reimbursement and a subscription. Therefore you will have to pay the subscription or reimbursement fees if this is provided for in the fund brochures.

  • How can tell to my home insurance in the event of catastrophe?

    With a simple telephone call 902 136 524.

  • What is a Cap?

    A Cap is a product that covers possible interest rate rises. Through this product the customer is assured a maximum interest rate in exchange for the payment of a single premium at the start of the operation.

  • 12. I can do reimbursements in ATMs?

    Yes, is possible to carry out reimbursements in Bankia ATMs with technology Contactless. It will be necessary to type in the pin always.

  • 13. I can do refunds of purchases?

    Yes, just as with a normal card, you will be able to obtain refunds for purchases, as long as you have selected the same card with which you made the purchase.

  • 11. Is necessary the pin to carry out a purchase?

    You will have to type your PIN into the contactless terminal when the purchase is for € 20 or more.

  • How long is the grace period for life insurance?

    Most of the health insurance's benefits begin to accrue on taking out the insurance, but the insured may sometimes have to wait to use some specific services included.

    For example, if the insured requires a surgical operation, the grace period will be 6 months.

  • What happens tax-wise if the insured party of a life insurance dies?

    • If the beneficiary is an individual, the payment will be subject to Inheritance and Gift Tax (if there are several beneficiaries, each will pay tax on the part that corresponds to them).
    • If the beneficiary is a legal entity the payment will be subject to corporation tax.
  • How can consult the details of my insurance?

    All the insurance that they have contracted our clients can consult in Bankia Online.

  • How change the access code?

    The most comfortable way of modifying the access code via Bankia Online. At the top of all the pages selects in the Keylink and you will be able to manage your electronic signature or create a new one.

    Remember that if you are a multi-access customer and you change your signature, it will be changed for all of Bankia's digital service channels.

    In addition, if you change your password, the PIN number of your associated card will also be changed.

  • 10. How know if the payment has been done or not correctly?

    Will be indicated if the reading has been correct or incorrect via a notification of user.

    Correct: Large Bankia Wallet application screen Incorrect:
  • 1. What is the payment for mobile phone?

    A service available from Bankia that allows customers to pay in shops using their mobile phone, with no need for a physical card.

  • What is an investment fund?

    An investment fund is type of collective investment institution (CII) without a legal entity whose capital consists of the contributions of the investors, known as shareholders.

    They are established for the purpose of obtaining a return in the interest of the total capital, offering shareholders a series of benefits derived from that union of the capital of a large number of investors that said investors would be unable to obtain individually.

  • How can open an account?

    You can open an account on Bankia Online by entering the Accounts/Sign up menu.

  • I can carry out a transfer via my mobile phone?

    Yes, from Bankia's Mobile Phone App You can perform transfers at your convenience from any location. You just need your electronic signature password in order to validate the operation.

  • Which are the main advantages of the renting for an individual?

    - Integrates in a single payment services that they should contract for separate.

    - It allows using a vehicle without anticipating no amount.

    - Saving of time in the total management of the vehicle made by the company of renting.

    - Assistance to a great control and planning of expenses.

    - It allows having new vehicles periodically, which consequently the image is improved and more efficient vehicles is had and insurance.

    - Deletes the loss of value in the sale of the used vehicle.

    - Any authorised person by the holder of the contract can use the vehicle.

  • Which are the main advantages of the renting for a company?

    Integrates in a single payment services that they should contract for separate.

    - It allows using a vehicle without anticipating no amount.

    - Is achieved access special purchase conditions which involves a smaller monthly fee of the rent.

    - Assistance to a great control and planning of treasury.

    - Is a deductible expenditure, being able to be it until its entirety, according to the percentage of use affection to the occupation for freelance professionals and companies.

    - The VAT/IGIC is compensable in the same applied percentage as a deductible expenditure.

    - It allows having new vehicles periodically, which consequently the image of the company is improved and more efficient vehicles is had and insurance.

    - Increases the time at the disposal of the company as a productive good.

    - Deletes the loss of value in the sale of the used vehicle, as well as other incidental expense risks.

    - Simplifies the management and control.

    - Any authorised person by the holder of the contract can use the vehicle.

  • What is the Quality guarantee Bankia?

    In certain models in which this special condition is outstanding in the offer, the client-if it is not satisfied - will be able to return the vehicle without penalty one. To come from this way will not have elapsed credit the term of a month from the date of made available communicated by Alphabet, the vehicle has not suffered no external nor internal damage (unless the damage was owed a defect from manufacture) and carried out are not had with him more than 1,000 kilometres. This guarantee is of an only use by client.

  • I can modify characteristics of the vehicle and/or of the price in the campaigns?

    In the campaigns there is no negotiation of prices nor of characteristics of the vehicle, only you will be able to choose the term and the mileage and in some colour cases, although in Customised Renting contractings you will be able to shape the car to its taste, with the optional, colour and accessories that the client wishes.

  • What type of vehicles you can contract?

    All the vehicles that you can drive with the B1, standard family cars and light commercial vehicles driving licence until 3,500 Kg of Weight Limit.

  • Which is the duration and the Mileage that you can contract?

    The term more frequent is 48 months, although you can contract between the 24 and the 60 months and from 10,000 km/year at 200,000 km in the total of the contract. In the case of the campaigns, will be selected between certain terms and Mileages prearranged.

  • The term of the contract is mandatory?

    Yes, the contracted term is which predominates to give validity to the contract, since the fact of arriving at the contracted total mileage before the completion of the term, does not involve the completion of the contract. In the event of wanting in advance cancel the contract, this establishes a penalty of 50% of the outstanding installments.

  • You can expand or reduce the contracted mileage or term?

    Yes, a would be done recalculo for the sake of variety conditions of term and/or mileage and therefore the fees would vary as a result.

  • What happens if I want cancel before complying with the contracted term?

    In the event of wanting in advance cancel the contract, the contract establishes a penalty of 50% of the outstanding installments.

  • What happens if it comes over or it does not arrive at the contracted km?

    So much if is produced excess as a defect in the kilometres carried out with regard to the negotiated, in the contract appears the receivable amount or to pay as appropriate.

    The fact of exceeding the contracted total mileage, does not involve the completion of the contract, being the term of contracting, the indicator of reference for the validity of the contract.

  • How the excess is settled/defect of mileage of an early cancellation, volunteer or accidental?

    A streamlining will be done of the prorated mileage to the date of completion.

  • Whose is the one owned by the vehicle?

    The vehicle is owned by the company of Renting, that yields the use and it enjoys to the client, for the contracted time, in exchange for a monthly fee.

  • Where the vehicle is delivered?

    The vehicle will be delivered in an Official Concessionaire of the chosen brand. With general character will be the closest one to your address.

  • Where are done the maintenances?

    Alphabet has a streamlined network of workshops to ensure a service with the maximum quality that it gives coverage across the Whole of Spain. When need carry out a maintenance for the vehicle, contacts with us and you will manage the previous appointment with our preferred workshop for your maximum comfort.

  • What type of insurance is included with the contract of Renting?

    For the Campaigns the surely is included is a comprehensive insurance without fixed at a premium franchise, that is, without review nor for CPI, nor for accident rate. Is a type of surely has a level of great coverages to the usual one of the market and that therefore it would have a high contracting amount when trying match it with a particular insurance.


    In addition, only in the cases of Customised Renting, there are other types of insurance, as they can be the open insurance of reviewable premium (surely varies annually because of CPI and accident rate) and the comprehensive insurance with franchise of premium reviewable. These types of insurance are contractible to choice of the client.

  • Who can drive the vehicle?

    Any person that has in force suitable driving licence for circular in Spain, regardless of the driving licence age or longevity.

  • Whom covers the insurance of the Renting?

    Covers to the driver and to the occupants with level of coverages higher than the standard of the market of individuals.

  • I can go to the foreigner with the vehicle?

    Yes, you can travel to the foreigner as long as it requests authorisation to Alphabet.

  • Is necessary to be Bankia's client in order to be able to contract a renting?

    Yes, is necessary to be client and pay directly the payment of the fees in an account of Bankia

  • What have do before any incidence that suffers the vehicle?

    Before any situation, are always available, 24 a day 365 days a year hours, in the 900 Bankia - 900 226 542.

  • I can carry out an initial contribution, that I afford reduce following fees?

    Yes, you would be able to carry out an initial contribution that would allow reducing monthly fees of the contract. In the case of the campaigns will depend on the same.

  • I can contract a vehicle in the Canary Islands, Ceuta or Melilla?

    Yes, although in Canary Islands as in the Autonomous Cities, can give the case of that the contracted vehicle is not exactly the same one that in peninsula and economic and tax conditions would be able to do vary the monthly fee established in peninsula.

  • How are Managed the fines?

    After receiving the fine, you have communicate it to Alphabet via the telephone of attention 24 hours and there will receive the precise instructions to do which is considered in each case.

  • What is the DEV?

    The Electronic Address Vial, is one BBDD in which all companies of Renting have the legal obligation of updating with the name of the vehicle's lessor (just as is identified to the owner, exists the obligation of identifying to the leaseholder in the event of sanction).

    Has binding force for legal persons and volunteer for individuals from, on 2 October 2016.

  • Will inform Bankia Renting on when owes a client carry out the maintenances?

    No. The accountability of knowing and happening the maintenances with the frequency established by the manufacturer of the vehicle is of the client, although before any doubt will be able to consult us always via the 900 Bankia – 900 226 542.

  • Some extra amount will charge me to him if my car has a breakdown or damage that it exceeds of a maximum amount?

    Not, all the damages that it can suffer the car of accidental way, are included in the fee of Renting, so much accidents as those coming from those coming from mechanical breakdowns.

  • What happens if the vehicle is declared total loss because of total loss or theft?

    The contract would be cancelled, dated the catastrophe with no cost for the leaseholder, the part corresponding to the mileage would only be settled for its charge or deposit.

  • They are included the expenses of the ITV?


  • What have do to obtain me distinctive of Living in a city that has regulated parking lot areas?

    Once deliver you the vehicle, you will have get in touch with Alphabet via the 900 Bankia – 900,226,542, where you will provide the information and certificate necessary to its management before the corresponding City Council.

  • How a change of tyres is determined when they are unlimited?

    Are determined for the natural wastage of the tyre, thus you will be able to change the tyres so many times as it is necessary provided that the depth of the band of rodadura of the tyre is lower than the 2mm, being 1.6mm the minimum legal for circular.

  • You can install an accessory a vehicle from Renting, for example a tow luggage rack or ball?

    Yes, previous authorisation and communication to Alphabet. The vehicle is had return in the state in which was delivered.

  • You can do Renting of vehicles that need specific transformation?

    Yes, for this it will be necessary that you attach us the proforma of the transformation that you want carry out, such as a transformation to isotermo.

  • Is included the maintenance of the accessories included in the Renting?

    Not, for example, if a vehicle isotermo adds a machine of refrigeration this yes would be insured in the event of accident but you would not be cover for the maintenance contract.

  • You can label the vehicle?

    Yes, can request us that the lettering is included in the contract, or you can label moves away. The vehicle is had return as was delivered.

  • You can acquire the vehicle when finishing the contract?

    In the contracts of renting there is no call option, although you can request the market value of market to the completion of the contract and acquire the car in the event of being interested.

  • The client can choose the concessionaire to acquire the vehicle or it chooses Alphabet?

    At first not, will be Alphabet that which chooses the granting between the streamlined concessionaires.