
  • Open (Fund):

    This Pension Fund is characterised by being able to channel investmnets from other pension funds. It does not require, for its constitution, of an initial minimum assets for its correct one desenvolvimiento financial.

  • Antivirus:

    Is a computer program specifically designed for detect, block and delete catty code (virus, Trojan, maggots, etc.), as well as protect other dangerous programmes' teams acquaintances generically as malware.

  • Defined contribution:

    Type of Pension Plan based on the stipulated obligations, in which the purpose defined is the amount of promoters' contributions and, where applicable, participants' contributions. The contribution can be established in absolute terms or depending on other variables such as wages, business flows, Social Security contributions or others. In this type, benefits are quantified when the contingency occurs and are the result of the capitalisation process employed by the plan.

  • Contributions:

    These are financial contributions that will be made by the promoter and/or participants, for the cases and methods that are established in the respective Pension Plan, pursuant to current regulations in force.

  • Business contributions:

    These are financial contributions made by promoters of Pension Plans in the employment system.

  • Partner (system):

    Type of Pension plan based on its individual members, where the promoter is any association or union and participations are their partners, or members.

  • Assignation of consolidated rights:

    The contributions of shareholders to the Pension Plans determine for the same the ownership of affections resources to these plans; establishing some economic rights that they define the provisions.

  • Additional holder:

    Private individual entitled to receive benefits, whether he/she has been a participant or not.

  • Blog:

    Is a periodically updated website that compiles chronologically texts or articles of one or more authors, appearing first the more recent, where the author conserve always the freedom of leaving published which creates pertinent. This English end blog or weblog comes of the words website and log (‘log’ in English = daily).

  • Capitalisation:

    The Pension Plans are implemented through financial and actuarial systems of capitalisation. It involves that are managed as though they were individual products in which are deposited the contributions that subsequently will address the payment of the provisions. The system of capitalisation employee does not require the incorporation of new subjects, since it is a self-sustaining system.

  • Closed (Fund):

    Type of characterised Pension fund because implements exclusively the investments of the Plan or Pension Plans integrated in he.

  • Ownership Certificate:

    Is the document that issues the Managing Entity and that proves the condition of shareholder of its holder.

  • Control Committee (of the Fund):

    Is the body of control and monitoring of the Pension fund. Between its functions the monitoring of the fulfillment is found of the Planes assigned, the representation of the Fund and the examination and the approval of the Managing Entity's activity.

  • Control Committee (of the Plan):

    Is the body that supervises the operation and execution of each Pension Plan of the system of employment and partner; formed by representatives of the developer or developers and representatives of the shareholders and, where applicable, of the payees. In the Pension Plans of the individual system is not constituted Control Committee of the Plan, corresponding to the developer the functions and accountability of this Fee.

  • Fee Promoter:

    In the system of employment, once elaborated the initial project of the plan by the developer, is urged to the constitution of a promoter Fee with representation of the developer or developers and of the workers or potential shareholders. This Fee will be formed and it will operate all right in it planned for the Control Committee of a Pension plan. In the case of the Pension Plans of the individual system and partner, will be the promoting entities who adopt the agreements and they practice the assigned functions to the Fee promoter of the Pension Plans, proceeding to the presentation of the project of the Plan before the Pension fund in which expects to integrate.

  • Pension commitments:

    They are the duties derived from legal obligations or contractual of the company with its staff, collected in collective agreement or willingness equivalent, that they have the aim carry out contributions or give provisions linked to the contingencies established in the Act of plans and pension funds regulation. The commitments for assumed pensions by companies owe implement through insurance contracts, via the arrangement of a Pension Plan or of both.

  • Contingencies:

    They are those situations that are found covers for the Pension Plan: retirement; incapacity to work, total and permanent for the usual profession, or absolute and permanent for all work and the severe disability; death of the shareholder or payee and Dependence.

  • Account of Position:

    Is the countable instrument that collects the current and the goods contributions and rights of the Plan. Charged to this account, the fulfillment of the provisions is attended derived from the Plan. In addition, collects the yields derived from investments of the Fund that they owe assign to the Plan. The countable operation of the account of position conforms to the criteria that establishes the Ministry of Economy and Finance.

  • Defender of the Shareholder:

    Is a company or famous independent consultant to whose decision will be subjected the claims that they formulate the shareholders and payees against the Managing Entity, Depositary and Promoter of the Individual pension plans, whose decision will link to these Companies.

  • Depositary:

    Is the company responsible for the custody and deposit of the chattel paper and other financial assets integrated in the Pension funds. They will be able to be it the credit institutions with registered office or branch in Spain.

  • Vested rights:

    They are the economic rights derived from the contributions and of the actuarial financial regime that it contemplates the Pension Plan.

  • Directorate-General for Insurance and Pension Funds:

    With regard to Planes and Pension funds practices the administrative control of the precise requirements' fulfillment for the access to the activity by Managing Entities of Pension funds, the ordinary monitoring of the financial year of the same, as well as of the conditions that they have fulfill the Funds and Planes.

  • Employment (System):

    Type of Pension Plan because of the subjects constituyentes that is characterised because its developer is any Company, Corporation, Company or Company and whose shareholders are its employees.

  • Specifications:

    Is the document that constitutes the legal support of the Plan and contains, among others, following aspects: determination of the field and type of the Plan, standards for the constitution of the Control Committee of the Plan, finance system, attachment to a Pension fund, definition of the provisions, rights and obligations of the shareholders and standards for the modification and settlement of the Plan.

  • State of position:

    This is a part of the public documentation which informs the unit holder of movements due to subscriptions or reimbursements in the fund.

  • Euribor:

    (Euro Interbank Offered Rate). Interest rate of reference for the area Euro.

  • Excesses of Contribution:

    They are those contributions that exceed the legally established limit. The excesses can be retirees before 30 June of the next year, without application of sanction.

  • Exteriorización:

    Is the legal obligation through which the companies owe take out out of its balance sheet and, therefore, of its willingness, the funds set aside for the coverage of commitments for pensions with its employees and payees.

  • Date of record of the fund in the CNMV:

    Is the moment starting from which an investment fund is authorised for its marketing, given that it has been registered in the records of the CNMV.

  • FIAMM:

    FIAMM (Investment funds in Assets of the Money Market) Type of funds that, by law, they owe carry out its investments in fixed yield securities of short-term maturity (until 18 months) and high liquidity.

  • FIM:

    (Investment funds Mobiliaria) Funds whose exclusive object is the purchase, tenancy, enjoy and sale of securities and other financial assets. The FIM invest more than 90% of its asset in quoted securities in share markets: public debt, private fixed income, stock and derivative instruments. The invested term and percentage in these assets they depend on the investment policy of the fund.

  • Explanatory brochure of the fund:

    Document that explains the characteristics of an investment fund and all the relevant aspects on the same one. Contains the details on the management company, its Board of Directors, the investment policy of the fund, the fees etc. So much the first brochure of the fund as successive updates are approved by the CNMV and its records are registered.

  • Simplified brochure of the fund:

    Contains in a summarised way information on the fund, on its objectives, risk profile, profile of the investor to that which goes directed the fund, and financial news and agent of the same. Is a complete brochure part of of the fund that is used as an instrument of its marketing.

  • Fondandalucia:

    Investment fund that invests a percentage of its portfolio in debt of the Regional Government of Andalusia.

  • Fund of Funds:

    Investment funds that they invest its assets mainly in shares of other funds.

  • Investment fund:

    Is an assets belonging a plurality from investors, whose right to ownership is represented in the shape of shares, and that has as an exclusive object the acquisition, tenancy, enjoy, chattel paper administration and transfer and other financial assets to compensate the risks, with a suitable diversification of the assets, without assuming an economic majority holding or policy in another company.

  • Pension fund:

    Is an economic assets without legal entity where they owe integrate the financial resources of the Plan or Planes that it integrate, that they channel the investments and makes the payment of the provisions to the payees.

  • Foreign fund:

    Direct billing product in a foreign country, but that is registered in the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (CNMV) for its marketing in Spain.

  • Guaranteed fund:

    Investment fund for that which there is guarantee of a third party and that ensures good a fixed yield or an amount linked to instruments of equities.

  • Funds of accumulation:

    Additionally so-called capitalisation funds. Investment funds that they reinvest the yields that they obtain accumulated to the assets of the fund producing a liquidative appreciation in value of the shares.

  • Money funds:

    Name through which are known the Investment funds in Assets of the Money Market (FIAMM). Receive this name, owing to the fact that, when having a high liquidity, can be considered as substitutive of the money.

  • Funds of Currencies:

    Investment funds that they invest in fixed income, equities or mixed of various markets, which is why its patrimonial assets are denominated in a basket of currencies. This supposes an extraneous risk, the risk of exchange rate.

  • Funds of Alternative Management:

    Investment funds that they try obtain retornos in absolute terms instead of relative yields based on certain reference rates as happens with the traditional funds, which is why its retornos are not influenced by the address of the markets.

  • Property investment funds:

    (FII) non-financial character Investment funds that they allow that the shareholder can invest in real properties starting from relatively small amounts. The fund property is that which purchase, rents, maintains and sells the properties. This type of funds can not develop different such as property development activities, construction or other certain ones in the standard of funds.

  • Funds of allocation:

    Investment funds that they distribute with frequency dividends between its shareholders. Are complemented with Investment funds of capitalisation.

  • Overall funds:

    Investment funds without exact definition of its investment policy, invest in any market, currency or type of asset.

  • Funds index:

    The objective of these investment funds is achieve a return equal to that one of an index, that they use of reference, through the training of a portfolio with a similar structure to the composition of the reference rate.

  • Sectorial funds:

    Investment funds mobiliaria whose portfolio is formed mainly by equities of a sector or certain sectors.

  • Solidarity funds:

    Characterised investment funds because a part of the fees that generates the fund are yielded with a social purpose, as it can be in favour of non-governmental organisations.

  • Fondtesoros:

    Investment funds boosted by the State that they invest mainly in Public Debt.

  • Financial future:

    Contract of derivatives that guarantees the purchase or sale from an asset to a price and a specific date.

  • Manager of Pension funds:

    Is the Public Limited company responsible for the administration and management of the Pension fund, llevanza of the accounting and accountability, issuance of the ownership certificates to the Pension Plan and control of the Company Depositary.

  • Imputation:

    The contributions made by the shareholders are direct and those which carries out the developer in favour of the shareholders are the charged contributions. The contributions to Pension plans only will be able to carry out by the developer of a plan of the system of employment, in favour of its employed shareholders, and for own shareholders, anyone that it is the type of the plan. Developers of Pension Plans that they make contributions owe present an annual statement in which are related individually the shareholders for who made its contributions and the amount contributed by every shareholder.

  • Individual (System):

    Type of Pension Plan, because of the subjects constituyentes, that is characterised because the developers are one or more financial character Companies and whose shareholders are individuals.

  • Serious offences:

    They are anyone who involve the default on obligations of information or of other standards when the stock or omission puts at risk or it injures the rights of Promoting entities, shareholders and payees.

  • Slight offences:

    They are facts that involve mere delays in the course of obligations of information or other provisions' non-compliance, provided that they do not put at risk nor affect directly to the rights of Promoting entities, shareholders and payees.

  • Very serious offences:

    They are the stock or omissions, anyone that it is its nature, that they injure in a good shape serious the rights of Promoting entities, shareholders and payees, or they break the object specific to the Pension funds.

  • Offences and Sanctions:

    The offences with regard to Planes and Pension funds are sancionables in official channel, classifying in slight, serious and very serious.

  • Incomes to Account:

    It adverts to the amount that is turned to the Public Treasury with the intention of fulfilling in advance the tax obligations. The amount corresponding by the remunerations satisfied in kind will be calculated applying to its value the tax type that it corresponds. The subject obliged to withhold and practice incomes to account owes present in the first twenty calendar days of the months of April, July, October and January, statement of the amounts retained and of the incomes to account that they correspond for the quarter, entering it in the Exchequer.

  • Integration:

    For the instrumentation of a Pension Plan, the economic contributions to that the developers and the shareholders of the Plan were obliged owe add immediate and necessarily in a Pension fund.

  • Investments:

    The asset of the Pension funds is invested in accordance with safety criteria, return and diversification of suitable terms to its aims, establishing some limits of investment maximum according to nature of the assets.

  • Irrevocabilidad:

    The contributions, once carried out, will have the character of irrevocable, and under no circumstances will be admissible its cancellation, except for imputable material error to the Manager or Depositary Companies of the Pension fund.

  • Retirement:

    Cessation stock and effect of the work activity, in general with a right to the perception of a pension, as a result of reaching certain age, services or physical impossibility long or mental to develop the work.

  • Minimum Staff and Relative:

    Amount that the Act of the I.R.P.F. establishes to reduce the basis of assessment - first in its general part and, if it was surplus, in its special part-, without in no case can result negative.

  • Disability:

    Situation in which the Act allows making contributions to Pension Plans in favour of people with a degree of disability equal to or more than the 65 for 100, contributions that they can carry out to pension plans of the individual system, as well as to associated system pension plans, if the disabled man, or the person that carries out the contribution to its favour, be member, member or member of the promoting entity.

  • Mixed:

    Type of Pension Plan because of the stipulated obligations that is characterised because its object is, simultaneous or separately, the amount of the provision and the amount of the contribution.

  • Mutual societies of Social Security:

    They are Private organisations that they operate to fixed premium or variable, non-profit, out of the frame of the systems of forecast that they constitute Social Security Institute compulsory, practicing a type insurer of voluntary character, directed to protect to its members or to its goods against circumstances or events of accidental character and predictable, through direct contributions of its partners or of other Companies or protective people.

  • Shareholder:

    They are subjects constituyentes of the Pension Plans. They have the consideration of shareholders the individuals in whose interest is created the Plan, regardless of that they carry out or not contributions.

  • Shareholder in Fail:

    They are the shareholders that they have stopped in the performance of contributions, direct or accused, maintaining its consolidated rights within the Plan, in accordance with its predictions.

  • Risk profile:

    Classification of the client according to the risk that it wishes assume in its investment in order to selecting the product that it conforms to its characteristics. The attitude that can take an investor when dealing with the risk can be of three types: aversion (the investor will prefer a smaller return with such of assuming a smaller risk), indifference (the investor does not take into account the risk when carry out the investment) or preference (the inverse one assumes a high risk to reach a great return).

  • Legal Entity:

    Nature person's quality legal. They are legal persons the corporations, associations and foundations of recognised public interest for the Act; and associations of particular interest, are civilians, trade or industrial, to those which the Act grants own personality.

  • Plan of Rebalancing:

    Is the agreement reached for the Fee Promoter of the Pension Plan or by the Control Committee, in virtue of which, within the pension plan are integrated rights for services past tenses corresponding to commitments for pensions for the active staff and the obligations before retired and payees.

  • Pension Plans:

    They define the right of people to whose favour are constituted to receive incomes or capitals for retirement, survival, widowhood, orphanhood or disability; obligations of contribution to the same; and the rules of constitution and operation of the assets that to the fulfillment of the rights that recognises has create. Set up voluntarily, its provisions are not substitutive of those of the Social Security Institute, having private and complementary character.

  • Defined provision:

    Type of the Pension Plans because of the stipulated obligations, in which is defined as a predetermined magnitude or estimated the amount of all the provisions to receive by payees. Set or estimated the provision, the precise contribution will result of the application of the financial system actuarial that it is used.

  • Benefits:

    When happens a covered contingency for the plan, the recognition of an economic right is produced in favour of the payees. In accordance with it considered in every Pension Plan, the provisions will be able to be in the shape of capital, consisting of a fee-paying only perception; provisions in the shape of income; or mixed provisions, that they combine incomes of any type with an only charge in the shape of capital.

  • Joint promotion:

    Several companies or companies can promote jointly a Pension Plan of Employment in instrumentation of the commitments subject to be covered. The standard will be able to establish conditions when are constituted by companies of the same group, by SMEs, or for several companies that have assumed commitments for pensions in virtue of an agreement of field collective bargaining higher than that one of company.

  • Developer:

    Is subject constituyente of a Pension Plan, being able to be any Company, Corporation, Company, Company, Association, Trade union or group of any class that they urge to its creation or they participate in its desenvolvimiento.

  • R²:

    Coefficient that in a regression measures the percentage of the variable's variance shop assistant that is explained by the independent variables. Is a measure of the goodness of the reduction and of the predictions that via him you can carry out.

  • Ranking:

    Is the classification of a family of investment funds, tidy according to the return, risk, assets or any other criterion. Standard and Poor's has developed its star ranking (Standard and Poor's Micropal Star Ranking (TM)), based on the relative return of the fund.

  • Rating:

    Rating of an investment fund for a series of parameters, as the return and the risk. This way, the investment is not analysed just for the obtained return. There are rating agencies specialised in the analysis of the funds, as Standard&Poor's.

  • Credit rating:

    Rating of the liabilities of an agent issuer, based on its skills to comply with its obligations.

  • Ratio of Information:

    Is an indicator of return and risk relative with respect to the reference rate of the fund. Specifically, measures the obtained differential return for the fund when dealing with the reference rate for unit of relative risk in which has incurred. This ratio is measured as: (return of the fund - return of the reference rate) / tracking error. Is calculated in year-on-year terms. If the ratio is positive and higher than one means that every differential risk unit assumed is being seen compensating with more than an unit of return of surplus when dealing with the index.

  • Ratio return-risk:

    Is calculated as the quotient between the return and the volatility in year-on-year terms. Constitutes an indicator of the management of the fund in absolute terms. In a context of return positive, this ratio represents the return of the fund for unit of assumed risk. If the ratio is positive, how much elder is its value better results will have hurled the style of management representing the fund.

  • Reduction in Basis Of assessment:

    The general tax basis is obtained practicing in the general part of the basis of assessment, after reducing this in the amount of minimum staff and relative that they correspond, certain reductions, being one of these the contributions to Social Security Pension plans and Mutual societies.

  • Reimbursement:

    Rescue or settlement, total or partial, of the shares of a fund.

  • Transitional arrangement:

    Shares of acquired investment funds before 31/12/1994 will reduce the patrimonial gain, where applicable, for the application of the proofreader coefficient of 14.28% and this will be done for every year that it exceeds of two, rounding for excess the number of years that they go from the purchase date until 31/12/1996. These gains of more than a year are integrated in the special basis of assessment paying taxes to the fixed rate of 15%.

  • Insurers Company' record and Reinsurers:

    Administrative record depending from the Directorate-General for Insurance and Pension Funds in which contain the data related to these companies.

  • Depositary Company' record:

    Administrative record in which figure the resolution of the prior authorisation and the enrollment, denomination, registered office, managers and top officials of the Company who was had authorised representative for the financial year of the functions of the Company Depositary of Pension funds; and the relationship of managers, Directors or Managers that were authorised representatives.

  • Managing Entity' record:

    Administrative record depending from the Directorate-General for Insurance and Pension Funds, in which appear the resolutions on prior authorisation and enrollment; denomination and registered office; managers and top official names of the Company; share capital, mutual or Non-current liability Fund of the Head Office; statutory modifications; Managed pension funds; and whatever other details that are determined.

  • Record of Mutual societies:

    Book of the Record of Insurers Companies dedicated to Mutual societies of Social Security, in which are registered the administrative authorisations, modifications of statutes, the appointment and cessation of the members of the Board Of directors, the merger agreements, demerger and transformation, the revocation of the authorisation, and how many others are determined.

  • Record of Planes and Pension funds:

    Administrative record in which owe register the Pension funds after the acquisition of the previous administrative authorisation. In him also appears the Plan or Pension Plans integrated in the Fund.

  • Mercantile Register:

    The Mercantile Register is an advertising instrument for the security of the legal traffic; is a public office, existing in all the provincial capitals and other planned cities; and is formed by the set of books, legajos and deposited documents and that are kept under the accountability of the Registrar.

  • Administrative records:

    They are Formed by the Record of Actuaries, the Record of Auditors, the Record of Companies Insurers, the Record of Managing Entities, that one of Depositary Companies, that one of Mutual societies and the Record of Planes and Pension funds.

  • Regulations of management:

    Set of standards that, fulfilling the requirements established in the current legislation, regulates and governs the characteristics of an Investment fund and its operation.

  • Yields of Economic Activities:

    Anyone who coming from the personal work, of the capital, or of both, suppose the ordainment on a self-employed basis of measured of production, of human resources, or of both, with the aim of intervening in the production or good or service distribution.

  • Returns on capital:

    All the the useful tools or payments, anyone that it is its denomination or nature, money or in kind, that they come, direct or indirectly, of patrimonial elements, goods or rights, whose ownership corresponds to the contributor and are not found affections to economic activities made by the same one.

  • Investment incomes:

    All the the useful tools or payments, anyone that it is its denomination or nature, money or in kind, that they come, direct or indirectly, of the movable capital and, general, of goods or rights not qualifiers as property, of which is holder the contributor and are not found affections to economic activities made by the same one.

  • Earned incomes:

    Payments or useful tools, anyone that it is its denomination or nature, money or in kind, that they derive, direct or indirectly, of the personal work or of the working relationship or statutory and they do not have economic activity yield character.

  • Net Yields:

    Difference, positive or negative, between whole incomes and the deductible costs.

  • Fixed income:

    Set of financial assets that bring a periodic return (bonds, promissory notes, etc.). The fixed income does not involve the security of charge, that depends on the solvency of the issuer.

  • Equities:

    Generic expression that is applied to the equity market. Is called thus because the return depends on the variable payment of the dividends which in turn depends on the profits of the company and of its dividend policy.

  • Profitability:

    - Calculation of the percentage of profit or loss that obtains the investor, since subscribes the shares until the day of reference for its calculation.

    - Total gain (generated goodwill and income) for invested unit in a certain period.

  • Year-on-year return:

    Calculation of the percentage of profit or loss that obtains the investor, considering as a time horizon the last 12 months.

  • Repos:

    Operations with debt buyback to very short term. You usually are part of the portfolio of the funds to place part of its liquidity in exchange for an attractive return. They are current especially in the funds of the money market.

  • Resident:

    The Spanish standard determines that a person is fiscal resident in Spain when remains more than 183 days a year in Spanish territory, or when it is here where it lies the main core or its economic interests' base or of its business or professional activities.

  • Remuneration:

    Reward or payment for some service or condition.

  • Review of Planes:

    The financial and actuarial system of the Planes should be revised by actuary and, where applicable, rectified, at least, every three years, taking into account the evolution of the wages, the return of the investments, the mortality rates of the group, the survival of the liabilities, and the other concurrent circumstances.

  • Risk:

    Probability of suffering a loss for the investment made. To assumed major risk, is owed expect a great gain of the investment.

  • Credit risk:

    Impossibility by the issuer of the title of addressing the payment of the interests or of the amount invested initially. This risk is measured via the credit quality (rating) issued by Agencies of Rating, that it allows comparing in a homogenous way the various issuances that are negotiated on the market.

  • Risk of market:

    The risk of market is the potential loss before adverse movements in the variables of the market that affect the asset prices.

  • Exchange rate risk:

    Risk of that unfavourable variations are produced in the exchange rate. Is incurred in this risk if the return of foreign assets is seen dwindled when obtaining its value in euros.

  • Risk of interest rate:

    Risk of that they vary the interest rates and, therefore, the asset price of fixed income.

  • Last services:

    They are the lent prior to a given moment. For the staff on active service to the date of taking effect of Planes Act and Pension funds, will be able to recognise rights for services past tenses derived from commitments prior to 17 September 1986, formalised in Collective Agreement or willingness equivalent.

  • Sharpe:

    Ratio very used when assess a fund with respect to the rest of products of its category and that results of the quotient of its return and its volatility in a certain period of time, that it usually is three-year. How much elder is the ratio, better will be the quality of management of the fund, since offers a higher return for every risk unit.

  • SICAV:

    Open-ended investment company, whose object is the investment of the assets in portfolio. As they appear more investing that they wish participate in the company, new stock are issued. In the same way, when disinvests, its capital is reduced.

  • Management company:

    Company that manages the fund and decides which is the investment policy to follow, selects the securities and financial instruments that they go going to buy and sell.

  • Subplans:

    Within the same Employment Pension Plan is admissible the existence of subplans, even if these are of different types or they articulate in each different contributions and provisions. The integration in every subplan and the diversification of the developer's contributions owes carry out in accordance with established criteria through collective or willingness agreement equivalent or pursuant to specifications of the Pension Plan.

  • Swap:

    Financial derivative that consists of the exchange of future financial flows between two parts, to a price and to some predetermined terms.

  • APR (equivalent annual rate) or annualised return:

    Is the expression in annual base of any interest rate or simple return. Represents the return that would be obtained from the assets if the investment term was a year. For example, a simple return of 65% obtained in a three-year period is equivalent an APR from 18.17%; a simple return of 2.5% in a period of 3 months is equivalent to an annual 10.38%.

  • Holder:

    Rightful owner of a title or value.

  • Interest rate:

    Is the expression that indicates the temporary value of the money. The money has a temporary value, or price; who provide them/invest, require an incentive that it allows them maintain its purchasing power in the time or obtain a profit for doing.

  • Tracking error:

    Is calculated as the std. deviation of the differences of returns between fund and index. Constitutes an indicator of the risk of the fund in relative terms, that is, when dealing with its reference rate. A tracking error close to zero represents a similar behaviour to the one of that one of its reference rate. How much elder is this great ratio will be its yields' deviation with respect to those of its reference rate.

  • Acquisition value of shares:

    Price of subscription of each share.

  • Cash value:

    Resulting from divide the assets of the fund between the number of existing shares. Daily the Management Company determines and publishes the net asset value of the Fund, according to the daily assessment of the assets.

  • Negotiable security:

    Straight ahead of patrimonial content, anyone that it is the denomination that gives him to him, that, for its legal set-up own and regime of transmission, be subject to generalised and impersonal traffic in a financial market.

  • VAR:

    Value at Risk (value at risk). Maximum potential return daily of the fund estimated with 99% of probability. Is calculated as the average of the VaR daily registered in the three previous months.

  • Maturity:

    Date in which expires a title, guarantee, etc.

  • Volatility:

    Fluctuation that suffers the value of a good (fixed income, equities, investment fund, etc.) in a certain time period.