Línea ICO Empresas y Emprendedores 2017

  • Financing of investment in fixed assets

    Or needs for liquidity within Spain

  • You can finance new and second-hand assets. The interest rate can be fixed or variable. Company acquisitions can be financed.

Advantages of the ICO Companies and Entrepreneurs Facility

  • New and second-hand assets can be financed (machinery, computer hardware, furniture, properties, etc.).
  • Cars whose price does not exceed 30,000 euros plus VAT. Industrial vehicles can be 100% financed.
  • Company acquisitions can be financed.
  • You can finance working capital expenses up to a limit of 50% of the total financing amount. You will be able to expand it up to 100% for operations to 1, 2, 3 or 4 years.
  • The investment to be financed cannot be initiated before 1 January 2016 and must be executed within a maximum of 12 months from the date of the signing of the financing.

The interest rate can be fixed or variable. Adjusted to the period of the operation and is composed of:

  • One-year forward transactions: Euribor 6 months or fixed rate equivalent + ICO differential (term of 1 year) + 2.30%.
  • Forward transactions of 2, 3 or 4 years: Euribor 6 months or fixed rate equivalent + differential ICO (term of 2, 3 or 4 years) + 4.00%.
  • Forward transactions longer than 4 years: Euribor at 6 months or fixed rate equivalent + Spread ICO (at maturity of the operation) + 4.30%.

The differential ICO is the cost of fund capture for this body and it fluctuates according to market conditions and the repayment period of the operation. The ICO periodically publishes this information on its website www.ico.es

Terms and Conditions


Companies, self-employed workers, public and non-profit organisations that make productive investments in the national territory, regardless of the place of their registered office or tax residency, and of whether the majority of the share capital is Spanish or foreign.

Maximum amount per customer and year:

Up to 100% of the investment project (+ VAT) or up to 100% of liquidity needs, with a maximum per holder per year of 12.5 million euros, in one or several operations.


Loan or Leasing to finance investments and loan to meet current liquidity needs.

Repayment and exclusion periods for the principal:

  • 1 to 10 years without exclusion period or including 1 year of principal exclusion period.
  • 12 years, 15 years and 20 years without exclusion period or including 2 years of principal exclusion period.


The years must be complete years.


Until 7 December 2017 or earlier if the facility's funds are exhausted.