Servicios de Transferencias Masivas

Expedite simply, agilely and conveniently the transfers you wish to make both in Bankia and other national financial institutions.

Main features

    • Simple: Bankia gives you the necessary tools to generate batch payments.
      • Bankia Generator: via Bankia Online Business or of the web portal companies, can download you the free generator of files Bankia.
      • SEPA payments: in Bankia Online Business can generate the payments that you wish for its subsequent shipment.
    • Fast: you can make the payments you wish in a single file, without having to make them individually. In this way, you reduce your administrative tasks.
    • Comfortable: via Bankia Online Business can carry out the shipment of the file of massive transfers for its processing by Bankia.

Advantages of using Bankia Online Business

    • Using your computer, you can quickly and efficiently execute operations at any time of day.
    • Make enquiries and carry out operations anywhere and at any time.
    • Save time and travel expenses by carrying out operations from your workplace.
    • Greater control and monitoring of payrolls, as well as completely secure operations, as you must enter a series of personal and non-transferable passwords to access the service or to move funds.
    • The generation of the magnetic support or file with the payment orders for its subsequent shipment, can carry out from the Bankia itself Online Business or via the software Bankia File Generator that we will provide you with free of charge.