Crédito Sostenible

  • We offer you a loan with an environmental commitment

    To finance sustainable products

  • No start-up fee Improved interest rate Until € 60,000 in 96 months*
  • Drawing of a woman watering

Efficient Consumption Loan Benefits

In Bankia us worries the environment as much as to you, that is why, have put at your disposal a loan in special conditions with which will be able to obtain financing for:

  • Acquire a hybrid vehicle, electric or propelled with low alternative fuels in issuances.
  • Your new household appliances (refrigerators, dishwasher, air conditioning, etc.) that they are low-energy, that is, those with energetic label of class To or superior.
  • Or carry out any reform at home that it allows improving its energy efficiency , as the facility of solar energy panels, or the facility of boilers of condensation, etc.

You will be able to pay it in up to 96 months.

Interest rate: TIN annual 4.75% fixed during all the loan life. APR** 4.85%.

And you can also decide on the most convenient day of the month to make the repayment installment.

*Financing subject to the approval of Bankia.


Calculation APR for an average amount of ? 6,500 in a term of 60 months.

TIN (nominal interest rate): 4.75%

APR: 4.85%

Formalisation fee: 0%

Monthly fee: € 121.92

Amount payable sum by the consumer: capital: € 6,500 + interests: € 815.2 + start-up fee: € 0 = € 7,315.2.