Factura Electrónica

Forget about paper invoices; you'll save on costs and expedite the notification process.

Advantages of the E-Billing service

  • Electronic invoices are a business management process that consists of replacing traditional paper invoices with digital ones. Thus, invoices are no longer printed or sent by post, and are not stored in file cabinets, but instead they are generated digitally with the same contents, are sent by computer and stored on computer systems.

    This new invoice management method represents clear cost savings, both for suppliers and for payers. It also offers great speed and ease for the entire process, notably simplifying and improving management circuits and resources and creating greater security than traditional invoicing, as electronic signatures are incorporated, which are protected by digital certifications.

    The Bankia Electronic Invoice service goes even further:

    • It is linked to a range of collection and payment methods in the financial system.
    • It guarantees the process authenticity and integrity, with its own electronic signature, as Bankia acts as the sub-invoicer.
    • It is valid for all types of companies and all sectors of activity.
    • It stores all bills managed by the system for the periods of time specified by law.
    • It is compatible with the market's ERP principles, facilitating the full integration of the processes already existing in each company.

    This service is available in Bankia Online Business, without any extra cost for its clients.